Cracks and splits are among the most common dilemmas that asphalt shingles face during their service life. When left unaddressed for a prolonged period, these issues can lead to leaks and other forms of water damage that are quite expensive to fix. In this post, a trusted roofing contractor discusses the difference between shingle cracking and splitting.

What Is Shingle Cracking?
Volatiles—chemical elements that can be readily vaporized—are added to the asphalt mix during the manufacturing process to increase the flexibility and water resistance of shingles. Over time, asphalt shingles lose volatiles due to aging and moisture exposure. This dries, shrinks, and cracks the asphalt. Heat can speed up the process, which may result in craze cracks on the surface of the shingles.
If your roof is relatively new and showing symptoms of cracking, it may be a sign of low-quality shingles or a weak base mat. It is best to contact a reputable roofer in your area to inspect the condition of your roof as well as perform roofing repairs or replacements when necessary.
What Is Shingles Splitting?
Splitting occurs when extreme changes in temperature cause asphalt shingles to expand and contract. When shingles expand in warm temperatures, the joints between them shrink in size. On the other hand, shingles contract in cold temperatures, causing the joints to swell up in size. Because the shingles connecting those underlying joints also contract, they become even more stressed—and too much stress makes the adhesive strips less effective. As a result, the shingles start to split. Splitting can appear either in a diagonal pattern or randomly all over the roof.
You can count on V. Nanfito Roofing & Siding, Inc. for high-quality exterior improvement services, including roof repair and siding installation. Our certified team is ready to transform your dream home into a reality. Call us at (203) 639-1634 or fill out our contact form to request a free, no-obligation estimate.